Thursday, April 30, 2009

Keepin' On

After the night I had Tuesday, I was really fatigued on Wednesday, but decided to do a DVD or two. I did the A.M. Yoga Workout with Rodney Yee to loosen up my back and hips from the attempted Tuesday evening run. Then I did The Biggest Loser Bootcamp. It was hard. My arms were all shaky afterwards. But in a good way.

The Biggest Loser is by far my favorite TV show (even beating out Grey's Anatomy's Dr. McDreamy) and the trainer tip Bob gave on Tuesday's show was not to workout the same muscle group with weights two days in a row. He went through the whole explanation of the tearing and rebuilding of muscle fibers. But then in the Bootcamp DVD he says to do the workout 4-5 times a week. Now this workout involves the use of weights--a lot of use. I'm really trying to do the math and see how that jives with only using weights every other day. I'm so confused. Not that it matters since I just won't do the DVD on consecutive days.

Today Big Guy and I had planned to go on a bike ride and I wanted to go for a run. But he had mucho school work and I had mucho real estate business to prepare for.

Tomorrow I pick up the team packet for Race for the Cure. I've already seen this year's t-shirt since my niece registered individually and has received hers already. They are pretty cute! Picture to follow.

Happy Running!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's So Much Harder

I really, really want to run outside and feel the breeze. But I end up walking I most of the way. I know it takes time and patience. Time I have lots of; patience not so much!

This evening I decided to walk to my office mate's house for her Lia Sophia party. It's only a little more than a mile away. I have purchased the book Beginning Running and the first workout seemed so easy on the page: run 1 minute walk 2. I thought that would be a breeze going to Jenn's. I couldn't even run the full minute. On a treadmill I can do much more. And there is absolutely NO incline; it could not have been flatter terrain.

According to the Garmin (which I didn't know how to reset) it was a 2.31 miles to Jenn's and back. So I did get something done today.

And on the weight loss front--Two Perfect Days on Atkins! I even resisted the brownies at Jenn's tonight. I did bring one home for Big Guy. AND I was able to leave work before the drug rep brought in doughnuts. I know I would have caved.

Do you think I can run the Race for the Cure on a treadmill? Just asking!

Happy running!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Like the Eye Doctor

These are my new shoes (and orthotics). The shoes are Asics Gel-Evolution 4. Awesome! I purchased them at Wasatch Running Center. It is the first time I've ever been fitted for sports shoes and it was incredible. I highly recommend it if you are into walking and/or running for distance. It was a lot like the going to the eye doctor.

First Glenn had me walk barefoot so he could check out the gait. Then he went to the back and found several pairs of shoes. First pair go on and then some more walking and some running. Then Glenn takes off the right shoe, puts on a different one and we repeat the running. "Which feels better: right or left?" Then the less comfortable shoe comes off and another goes on. Repeat. Very reminiscent of "Which is better? One or two?" that you get at the eye doctor!

Then the tryout of orthotics. And the difference they make in the arch support.

There is no charge for the service and the shoes are the MSRP. So, no, you're not getting a sale deal, but the customized fitting is well worth it. In addition, the shoes are returnable for 30 days as long as you don't wear them outside. Fair enough!

Now if I could just get Glenn to follow me around and lace up my shoes for me every walk/run!

Happy running!

First Post!

Well, one more blog to ignore! Hopefully not. I'll be keeping track of my running progress among other exercise favorites. This way I've got the exercise posts away from my knitting blog.

The doctor's office where I work is getting a team together--The Stream Team-- to run Race for the Cure. I'm the team captain; something I've never done before. As a matter of fact I don't think I've ever been the captain, or president, or leader, of anything before. Should be interesting.

And now that I've said I'm keeping the knitting and the running separate I realize I will be overlapping somewhat since I'm in charge of team gifts and which will definitely involve something knit!

Happy Running!